


新墨西哥专科学校 provides numerous information technology resources for use 由学院的学生,教师和工作人员. 信息技术包括,但是 is not limited to, all College computing equipment, software, systems, and networks. These resources are provided to support the College's mission and institutional goals. The use of these systems is a privilege and all users are expected to act responsibly 并遵循学院的政策管理这些资源的使用. 违反 这一政策可能导致纪律审查. 在这样的回顾中,全方位 of disciplinary sanctions is available including the loss of computer use privileges, 开除学籍,并采取法律行动. 违反了政策的某些部分 可能构成刑事犯罪吗.

The College's 资讯科技可接受使用政策 requires that each campus 用户遵守并同意以下准则:

I. 尊重电脑帐户的安全要求.

A.    A computer or electronic mail (e-mail) account assigned to an individual, including 学生帐号,不得被他人使用. 教师、学生和工作人员是独立的 responsible for the proper use of their 账户, including password protection and 适当使用互联网资源. 为自己或他人设置密码 or access code available to others or otherwise attempting to evade, disable or "crack" password or other security provisions, or assisting others in doing so, threatens the work, privacy and well-being of many others and is a serious violation of College 政策. Also, faculty, students and staff are responsible for choosing an appropriate 别人很难猜到的密码. 如果有人怀疑他们的密码 已被泄露,他们应该立即更改密码吗.

II. 尊重版权法.

A.     电脑 software use must conform to copyright laws and licensing agreements. Copyright law protects software whether a copyright notice is explicitly stated in 软件或其文档. 仅可使用学院许可的软件 根据适用的许可证. 复印是违法的 软件产品,除非其作者或出版商授权这样做. 电脑 users have no right to give or receive duplicates of software without authorization 或在学院电脑设备上安装复制软件.

3. 尊重他人使用本系统的权利.

A.     计算机用户不得使用本学院的信息技术资源 to participate in activities that are harassing in nature or prohibited by law. 发送 messages, information, or images that are threatening, harassing, or discriminatory in nature is in violation of College 政策 and may be in violation of the law. Displaying potentially offensive material in a computer laboratory or other campus 位置不允许. 用户绝对禁止使用系统 create, access, store or disseminate materials that may be sexually or racially offensive, or otherwise insulting or derogatory to persons of a certain race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or 资深地位.


A.    In support 书院院长's mission, the College encourages the use of its electronic mail services to share information, to improve communication, and to exchange ideas. Any electronic mail address or account associated with the College is the property 书院院长. 使用学院电子邮件服务的学生也可以参加 to adhere to state and federal laws, the 政策 and procedures 书院院长, and should follow normal standards of professional and personal courtesy and conduct. 禁止使用假名或假名进行电子通信. 发送 anonymous communications does not disassociate senders from assuming responsibility 他们的行为.
B.     Electronic mail services should not be used in ways that strain the College's computing resources or interfere with others' use of the electronic mail system. 禁止的 uses include, but are not limited to, sending or forwarding chain letters, exploiting list-servers by amplifying widespread distribution of electronic mail, and sending 重复发送相同的电子邮件信息.
C.     Employees are prohibited from using the "All Employee" mass distribution list 分发与工作无关的消息. 最靠谱的网赌软件工作,员工, 和十大正规网赌软件赞助的活动是可以接受的.
D.     电子邮件的保密性不能得到保证. 系统管理员、 technical managers, or other persons may need to view the contents of computer 账户 and electronic mail to perform maintenance or to diagnose and correct problems. 当 performing maintenance, the College will make reasonable attempts to ensure the privacy of computer 账户 and electronic mail, but cannot guarantee total privacy of the 账户. 然而,用户承认并同意学院可以监控 e-mail communications and internet usage in order to insure compliance with this agreement. If policy violations are discovered, they will be reported immediately and appropriate 我们会采取行动.

V. Respect the operational guidelines governing the use of the information technology 设施.

A.     负责计算机系统的管理员可以建立更详细的 guidelines governing the use 书院院长's computing equipment and 设施. These guidelines cover such issues as allowable connect time, disk space allocations, handling of unretrievable mail, responsibility for account approval and other items 与管理系统相关. 将任何软件下载到计算机上 equipment owned or operated by 新墨西哥专科学校 (unless downloaded material is considered a faculty resource) without prior written approval is not permitted. During peak system utilization times, computer users engaged in activities which are not directly related to the business 书院院长 may be asked to relinquish their 访问系统. 不能更改计算机上的设置. 计算机用户, whether on campus or accessing 十大正规网赌软件 resources remotely, are expected to abide by these rules and use the College's computing resources in a responsible and professional 的方式.
B.     The college prohibits the use of programs that degrade the available bandwidth, including but not limited to music/radio programs, videos, and game playing from Internet 网站,除非这些程序被合并到教学中.
C.     The College provides information technology resources for users to engage in 支持机构工作的活动. 使用学院的资源 for commercial reasons, fund-raising, political campaigns, or illegal purposes is 不能接受的. 代表个人、团体或团体进行未经授权的募捐活动 禁止组织.

VI. 协议

A.     All users of 新墨西哥专科学校 computing systems must read, understand, 并遵守本文档中概述的政策. 使用任何学院的 信息技术资源,用户同意遵守这些政策.

新墨西哥专科学校2014-2015员工手册. 223


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